Bird Conservation Contributions

Bird Conservation Contributions is the peer-reviewed scientific journal of Bird Conservation Research, Inc.  It is made available here through Arts and Academic Publishing.  The series consists of individually published papers on basic and applied avian research that have conservation implications.  Submissions may be data papers, syntheses or commentaries.  Submissions are welcome from anywhere in the world, and are particularly encouraged from women and minority authors, researchers at small and non-academic institutions, researchers who have single author contributions, researchers with limited publication budgets and new authors who may need assistance in achieving professional publication standards.  All submissions, correspondence and reviews are accomplished via the internet.  All published papers are open access. There are no page charges or author fees for accepted papers.

Instructions for journal contributors:

Letter of transmittal

Submissions must be accompanied by an e-mail submitted to the Editor that:

  • Names the paper title.
  • Identifies the corresponding author.
  • Verifies that the submission has not been previously published and is not in consideration by another outlet.
  • Verifies that any copyright permission for reproduced work has been received.
  • Verifies by name that a colleague or advisor (provide professional e-mail address) has previewed and provided comments on the manuscript.
  • All co-authors must provide specific evidence that they have made a substantial contribution to the paper.
  • Submissions also must be accompanied by the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of two reviewers with whom the author does not have a personal connection.

The manuscript should be in double-spaced, single column format.  Headings, literature cited, table and figure formats should conform generally to Contribution 17 or later.  Manuscripts do not require a separate title page, headers or footers, but do require an abstract.  Tables should be imported from a spreadsheet.  Figures should be imbedded in the document as jpg or tif files.  Color figures and web links are acceptable.


Authors should submit to this email ( along with their letter of transmittal a manuscript linked as a MS Word file.  Once submitted, the ms. is given an initial screening to determine if its topic is within the Contributions series area of interest and has potential for receiving favorable peer review.  The Editor will work with authors who have sound data but who must improve their presentation before receiving review.  Manuscripts meeting submission criteria are sent to reviewers with the names of authors and their institutional affiliations removed.  Papers accepted for publication are returned to authors for formatting as a MS Publisher file that conforms in detail to Contribution 17 or later.  Authors of accepted papers must approve a proof copy of their publication and complete and return a publishing agreement  to Bird Conservation Research, Inc.  

Open access journal monographs and papers:

Craig, R.J.  1999.  Conservation of rare and endangered white-eyes (Zosteropidae) in the tropical Pacific. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 1:1-8.

Craig, R.J.  2000.  Birds of the quiet corner: field checklist of the birds of northeastern Connecticut. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 2.

Askins, R. A.  2002.  Response to endangered species, provincialism, and a continental approach to bird conservation. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 8:1-4.

Craig, R.J.  2002.  A new view of endangered species conservation: response to Askins. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 9:1-7.

Askins, R. A.  2002.  A new view of endangered species conservation: rejoinder. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 10:1.

Craig, R.J., M. Altshul and K. G. Beal.  2003.  Forest Birds of the Last Green Valley. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 11. 196 pp.

Craig, R.J.  2004.  Marsh birds of the Connecticut River estuary: a 20-year perspective. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 13:1-15.

Craig, R.J.  2005.  Saving the Red-eyed Vireo. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 15:1-3.

Craig, R.J.  2012.  Seasonal shifts in population distributions and habitat use by permanent resident forest birds in eastern Connecticut. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 17:1-11.

Craig, R.J.  2017.  Forest birds of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 23. 255 pp.  

Arvisais, K. and R.J. Craig.  2018.  Forest birds of Connecticut and Rhode Island: maps of distributions and population densities. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 24. 130 pp.

Craig, R.J.  2020.  Observations on a likely new intergeneric hybrid wood warbler. Bird Conservation Research Contribution 31:1-3.


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